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Seeing Resurrection in All of Scripture

Seeing Resurrection in All of Scripture

Did you know that Jesus claims that all the stories of Scripture speak of him? He says,

“You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me.”

- John 5:39

Seeing Resurrection in All of Scripture is a devotional eBook by Dr. Warren A. Gage that will show you how read the Bible and find Jesus at the center of your favorite Bible stories. In this devotional eBook, you will explore the transformative stories of:

  • Adam

  • Isaac

  • David

  • Daniel

  • Esther

  • Peter

  • and Paul

… and learn how some of your favorite heroes of Scripture reflect Jesus and his great day of resurrection glory!

The Sacrifice of Isaac

The Sacrifice of Isaac

Welcome to Gospel Devotionals!

Welcome to Gospel Devotionals!